Brianna Reichenbach

Brianna Reichenbach

Devoted beer fan. Wannabe web maven. Lifelong tv geek. Infuriatingly humble travel guru. Devoted bacon advocate.

47 Total Articles
What are the 7 examples of disordered eating patterns?

What are the 7 examples of disordered eating patterns?

Eating disorders fall on a spectrum between normal eating and an eating disorder and may include symptoms and behaviors...

What weight qualifies as anorexia?

What weight qualifies as anorexia?

A normal BMI for an adult is 18.5-25.Above that, you are overweight and below normal. Adults with anorexia have a BMI...

Which disorder is most commonly comorbid with eating disorders?

Which disorder is most commonly comorbid with eating disorders?

The most common psychiatric comorbidities associated with eating disorders include mood disorders, such as major...

What would be classified as an eating disorder?

What would be classified as an eating disorder?

Types of eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant restrictive eating...

What qualifies as having an eating disorder?

What qualifies as having an eating disorder?

An eating disorder is a serious mental illness, characterized in that eating, exercising, and weight or body shape become ...

What is the most common eating disorder in the dsm 5?

What is the most common eating disorder in the dsm 5?

Eating disorder severity ratings appear to be valid both in terms of community distribution and correlation with...

What is the death rate of eating disorders?

What is the death rate of eating disorders?

Without treatment, up to 20% of people with severe eating disorders die. With treatment, the mortality rate drops to 2-3%.

Can you randomly get an eating disorder?

Can you randomly get an eating disorder?

Can You Randomly Get an Eating Disorder?It is unlikely for someone to randomly "get" an eating disorder without any...

What are the two most serious eating disorders?

What are the two most serious eating disorders?

What are the Two Most Serious Eating Disorders?The two most serious eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia...

How do people feel when they have an eating disorder?

How do people feel when they have an eating disorder?

How Do People Feel When They Have an Eating Disorder?Most people with eating disorders often experience a range of...

Can you unconsciously have an eating disorder?

Can you unconsciously have an eating disorder?

Can You Unconsciously Have An Eating Disorder?An eating disorder can affect almost anyone, regardless of...

What's the most serious eating disorder?

What's the most serious eating disorder?

What's the Most Serious Eating Disorder?Every eating disorder is serious and can have severe physical and psychological...

What are the names of the eating disorders?

What are the names of the eating disorders?

The 12 types of eating disordersAnorexia Nervosa. Other specified eating or eating disorder (OSFED).

What is the second most common eating disorder?

What is the second most common eating disorder?

The most common eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, affect up to 30...

What are the types of eating behaviors?

What are the types of eating behaviors?

The 12 types of eating disordersAnorexia Nervosa. Other specified eating or eating disorder (OSFED).

What eating disorder is the most common?

What eating disorder is the most common?

Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the U.S. UU.

What are 3 eating habits?

What are 3 eating habits?

Develop healthy eating habitsEat a variety of vegetables, especially dark green, red, and orange vegetables (3 or more...

What are 5 eating habits?

What are 5 eating habits?

Sleep seven to eight hours each night. Choose healthier snacks, such as a piece of fruit or a handful of unsalted nuts.

Can you have an eating disorder and not realize it?

Can you have an eating disorder and not realize it?

It's also common for people with anorexia to be reserved and not talk about their thoughts about food or body image,...

What is the number one most common eating disorder?

What is the number one most common eating disorder?

Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the U.S. UU.

What happens untreated anorexia?

What happens untreated anorexia?

Untreated anorexia can cause starvation and serious health problems, such as bone thinning (osteoporosis), kidney damage...

What feelings does a person with anorexia have?

What feelings does a person with anorexia have?

Losing weight can start to feel like a sense of accomplishment or a way to feel a sense of worth, perfectionism, having...

What is the #1 eating disorder in the us today?

What is the #1 eating disorder in the us today?

It is characterized by having a low body weight, although people with anorexia often think they are overweight. eating...

How serious is disordered eating?

How serious is disordered eating?

Eating disorders are serious and life-threatening brain diseases. Those affected experience serious alterations in their...

What are different eating patterns?

What are different eating patterns?

This person tends to eat when they are happy, others when they are sad or stressed. CINCINNATI, OH (FOX1) - Have you ever ...

What is a disordered eating behavior?

What is a disordered eating behavior?

Eating disorders fall on a spectrum between normal eating and an eating disorder and may include symptoms and behaviors...

What are some examples of disordered eating patterns?

What are some examples of disordered eating patterns?

Eating disorders may include restrictive eating, binge eating, or irregular or inflexible eating patterns. Dieting is one ...

How do doctors know you have anorexia?

How do doctors know you have anorexia?

Although there are no laboratory tests to specifically diagnose anorexia, the health care provider may use several...

Which condition is the most common eating disorder?

Which condition is the most common eating disorder?

Which Condition is the Most Common Eating Disorder?The most common eating disorder is actually not a single condition,...

What are 3 examples of disordered eating behaviors?

What are 3 examples of disordered eating behaviors?

Eating disorders fall on a spectrum between normal eating and an eating disorder and may include symptoms and behaviors...

What are some eating behaviours?

What are some eating behaviours?

Eating behavior is a broad term that covers food choices and reasons, eating practices, diet and problems related to...

What are different eating styles?

What are different eating styles?

Vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, beegan: decoding different plant-based diets. What exactly is the difference between a...

What it feels like to have anorexia?

What it feels like to have anorexia?

Losing weight may start to feel like a sense of accomplishment or a way of feeling worthwhile. People with eating...

How do you know if you actually have an eating disorder?

How do you know if you actually have an eating disorder?

Symptoms include trying to maintain a below-normal weight during starvation or exercising too much. The likelihood of...

What eating disorder has the highest death rate?

What eating disorder has the highest death rate?

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a common eating disorder with the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric illnesses. It's a...

Can a doctor tell if i have an eating disorder?

Can a doctor tell if i have an eating disorder?

Can a Doctor Tell if I Have an Eating Disorder?A doctor may be able to detect the signs and symptoms of an eating...

What are five signs that someone may have an eating disorder?

What are five signs that someone may have an eating disorder?


What to do when you realise you have an eating disorder?

What to do when you realise you have an eating disorder?

Seek Support Choose the Right Time and Place. There are no hard and fast rules for telling someone about their eating...

Which eating disorder has the highest prevalence rates?

Which eating disorder has the highest prevalence rates?

In the case of bulimia nervosa, there has been a decrease in the overall incidence rate over time. Prevalence rates of...

Can you be undiagnosed with anorexia?

Can you be undiagnosed with anorexia?

Because people with atypical anorexia nervosa usually appear to have a “normal” body weight, they are much more...

Which eating disorder is considered most serious?

Which eating disorder is considered most serious?

Anorexia nervosa is a very serious medical condition. If left untreated, people with this eating disorder may experience...

What does the dsm-5 say about anorexia?

What does the dsm-5 say about anorexia?

This fear is often manifested by depriving the body of food. By updating diagnostic criteria, changes to the DSM-5 should ...

What are the three eating types?

What are the three eating types?

The following is a description of the three main types, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder....