How do doctors know you have anorexia?

Although there are no laboratory tests to specifically diagnose anorexia, the health care provider may use several diagnostic tests, such as blood tests, to rule out any medical conditions that may cause weight loss and to evaluate the physical damage that weight loss and starvation may have caused. Physicians use physical and psychological evaluations to diagnose eating disorders. They will also ensure that you meet the diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder. These criteria are described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

Early detection, initial evaluation and effective treatment are important steps that can help a person with an eating disorder recover more quickly, preventing the disorder from progressing to a more serious or chronic state. The following evaluations are recommended as the first steps to diagnosis and will help determine the level of care needed. Getting the right treatment is the first step towards recovery.


is an eating disorder and a serious mental condition.

If your doctor suspects that you have anorexia nervosa, he or she will usually perform several tests and tests to help determine a diagnosis, rule out medical causes of weight loss, and check for any related complications. Sometimes, a pediatrician or family doctor diagnoses an eating disorder after noticing symptoms during a regular checkup or having questions asked by the patient or parents. If symptoms occur, the doctor will start an evaluation by performing a complete medical history and physical exam. While it may be extremely difficult for a person with anorexia to seek help (and it is difficult for loved ones to intervene), it is essential to encourage them to talk to a doctor.

Treatment for anorexia is usually done using a team approach, which includes doctors, mental health professionals, and dieticians, all with experience in eating disorders. Whether you have anorexia or your loved one has anorexia, ask your doctor or mental health professional for advice on coping strategies and emotional support. The following information will help you prepare for your appointment and know what to expect from your doctor or mental health professional. The doctor may also order an X-ray to look for broken bones, which may be a sign of bone loss due to anorexia or bulimia.

While there are no laboratory tests to specifically diagnose anorexia, the doctor may use various diagnostic tests, such as blood tests, to rule out a physical illness as the cause of weight loss, as well as to evaluate the effects of weight loss on body organs.

Brianna Reichenbach
Brianna Reichenbach

Devoted beer fan. Wannabe web maven. Lifelong tv geek. Infuriatingly humble travel guru. Devoted bacon advocate.

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